Two CBE alumni feature in the latest alumni newsletter for their achievements

Yu Yu (2014 PhD BIEN, 2008 BSc BIOL), a PhD student and postdoctoral fellow at Prof. Ying CHAU’s lab, is the Founder of Pleryon Therapeutics, which is a biotech company developing pharmaceuticals based on advanced drug delivery and biomaterials technologies. Their lead pipelines include two programs in ophthalmology, one for age-related macular degeneration and one for dry eye.

“Even in my wildest dreams, I could not have imagined how much my life would have changed after joining HKUST. My advice is don’t just stick to your dreams but embrace new opportunities and challenges.” he says.

Joining a laboratory run by Prof. Ying CHAU at HKUST as an undergrad,  Langston SUEN (2016 PhD CBME, 2012 MPhil CBME, 2010 BEng CENG) began to focus on using ultrasound to deliver drugs into the eye, rather than using a painful injection.

For Langston, some of his happiest times were at HKUST, where he could focus purely on research with comprehensive facilities and hardware at his fingertips 24/7. 

“Nowadays there are even more opportunities, so I would urge current students to explore and make the most of it,” he says. 

Langston SUEN (2016 PhD CBME, 2012 MPhil CBME, 2010 BEng CENG)
Yu Yu (2014 PhD BIEN, 2008 BSc BIOL)

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