Alumni Sharing

Welcome to the CBE Alumni website! The Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering (CBE) at The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) was established in 1993. As the only provider of chemical engineering education in Hong Kong, our alumni have made a significant impact in academia, industries, and other fields both locally and globally. We are committed to fostering strong connections between our alumni and the department by providing communication channels, hosting events, and keeping our alumni informed of the latest developments within CBE. This website serves as a hub for our alumni to stay connected, and we hope it will be a valuable resource for them. Together with our talented alumni, we look forward to continued growth and success in the coming years.



















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Alumni News

Transforming Smartphones into Medical-Grade Vital Sign Monitors - PanopticAI’s Vital Signs App Became World’s First FDA-Cleared App for Contactless Pulse Rate Measurement
CBE Year-End Party 2024
CBE Year-End Party 2023
Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering Celebrated its 30th Anniversary
CBE Alumnus, Dr. Weiping WANG is awarded with the China's Excellent Young Scientists Fund 2022