To ensure that the quality and academic standards of our educational provision are being maintained and improved, the department have set up the following committees. They make sure that the intended learning outcome of our degree programs are well designed and delivered to our students.
The Undergraduate Studies (UG) Committee, consisting of 5 or more faculty members and headed by the UG Coordinator, oversees the overall implementation of the undergraduate curriculum. This Committee is in charge of matters such as timetables, teaching duty assignments, examination administration, academic advising, recruitment, admission, student affairs, industrial training, graduate placement, etc. The UG Coordinator is also the representative of the Department in School committees for UG studies.
The Postgraduate Studies (PG) Committee, consists of 3 or more faculty members and headed by the PG Coordinator and oversees the overall implementation of the postgraduate programs: MPhil and PhD. The Curriculum Committee is in charge of new curriculum development or revisions to the curriculum. All proposed changes to the postgraduate curriculum must be discussed, reviewed and approved by this committee, before consideration by the whole faculty.
The Education Quality and Accreditation (EQA) Committee, consisting of at least 3 faculty members, is in charge of education quality assurance and accreditation. It collects and reviews information about the outcomes of the program in the form of teaching evaluations, faculty-student liaison meetings, graduate surveys, employer surveys, grade distributions, and various assessment vehicles. It also prepares the documentation for accreditation by professional bodies.
The Curriculum Committee meets periodically as needed to review our courses and curriculum more holistically and propose any necessary changes to the faculty for consideration.
Annual Reports about our UG and PG quality assurance policies and practices, results of student feedback, and other measures of departmental performance are submitted to the School of Engineering for review.
Throughout their studies, students are requested to complete a set of surveys to collect their feedback on course arrangement, workload and their program experience, including:
- Intake Survey
- First Year Experience Survey (FYES)
- Student Engagement and Satisfactory Questionnaire (SESQ)
- Course Evaluation
- Program Evaluation
- Graduate Employment Survey
The survey results are discussed in the relevant committees. Any necessary action items will be carried out by members in the appropriate committees.
CBE student representatives meet once every year with the members of CBE EQA Committee in “faculty-student liaison meetings” to provide feedbacks of our teaching courses and any comments regarding other activities of the Department. In addition, each student is assigned a faculty advisor, who will meet with their advisees at least once when they first join the department, and will act as the department’s contact person when students have issues or difficulties in their study.
All our programs have been accredited by the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE). Graduates from our programs with honors will be deemed to have satisfied the educational requirement for Corporate Membership of HKIE.
We usually hold a meeting every few years with the CBE Advisory Board, which consists of experts from the industry and academics from local and international universities. They provide us valuable suggestions on our education and research strategies for both UG and PG programs to better match the industry's needs.
We also invite industrial guests to present special topics in corresponding courses, be advisors of our final year design projects, etc. and to obtain feedbacks during their visits.
We often invite alumni to provide support in career development, to act as consultants or share experiences with students. Large alumni gathering are periodically organized. Feedbacks from alumni are collected during their visits.