Prof. Marshal LIU receives HKUST Common Core Teaching Excellence Award 2019
Prof. Marshal LIU is the recipient of the Common Core Teaching Excellence Award 2019 for the common core course “CENG 1800- Introduction to Food Science and Technology”, which he taught in 2019. This is the second time Prof. Liu received the recognition for his teaching of CENG 1800. In 2017, he received the Honorary Mention of Common Core Teaching Excellence Award.
The committee on Undergraduate Core Education (CUCE) was impressed by the efforts Prof. Liu has put in to make his common core course interesting as well as skillfully connecting the theoretical knowledge on food science, food processing technology and safety issues with real-world scenarios. By adopting an interdisciplinary approach, Prof. Liu empowered students to broaden their intellectual breadth, gaining confidence to venture outside their comfort zones and embracing the unknown.
Prof. Liu has obviously served as an outstanding model for other instructors to follow in designing and teaching an exemplary common core course.
The Department is proud of sharing the achievement received by Prof. Marshal LIU. Please join us to congratulate him for this well-deserved recognition.