CBE Team Wins “Best Final Year Environmental Project 2018”

A CBE team has won the Championship Prize of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers Environmental Division Prize for Best Final Year Environmental Project.

Comprising FUNG Ka Yi, FOK Ming Kit, Dustin LEE and Barry Ho Long LEE and co-supervised by Prof. Frank LAM (CBE) and Desmond TSOI (CSE), the winning team’s project was entitled “Autonomous Domestic Water Purification with Mobile Application”.

The annual competition attracts participants from the major Hong Kong universities and recognises the efforts of final year students working on projects related to environmental engineering. The Award also intends to encourage students to continue pushing the discipline's boundary in their future careers.

The winning team was presented with a certificate and a cash prize of HKD 6000 from the Permanent Secretary of the Environmental Protection Department, Mr. Donald Tong, at the award ceremony in November.

“Congratulations to the students and advisors for their outstanding work,” said Prof. I-Ming HSING, Head of CBE. “You did us proud and we thank you for enhancing the visibility of the CBE department, our Chemical and Environmental Engineering program and HKUST to the Hong Kong community!"

CBE Team Wins “Best Final Year Environmental Project 2018”

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