CBE final year students won the MERIT AWARD at the Hong Kong University Student Innovation and Enterprise Competition

A student team of CBE’s final year design project, consisting of Cho Hon CHAN, Yik Yu CHAN, Sze Ching MA and Shun Hong CHAN, supervised by Prof. Tom LUO and postgraduate student Jia HUA, got the merit award at the Energy, Environmental and Chemical Engineering category of the 10th Hong Kong University Student Innovation and Enterprise Competition.

The final year project proposed methods to accelerate current state of health measurements of retired electric vehicle (EV) lithium batteries. The students applied neural networking and using direct current internal resistance to predict the healthiness of the batteries, which improves the efficiency of recycling EV batteries and facilitates second life usage of batteries. The project also explores the possibility of second life applications for retired EV batteries by modifying a kart with recycled lithium-ion batteries. Together, the project aims to solve the e-waste problem of electric vehicles batteries in Hong Kong by repurposing the batteries, which can reduce waste created and generate new hope for renewable energy.

Congratulations to our students for their achievement!

For more information: The 10th Hong Kong University Student Innovation and Enterprise Competition

From left to right: Cho Hon CHAN, Sze Ching MA, Shun Hong CHAN, Yik Yu CHAN

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